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papyrus - C++ Cairo Scenegraph library


  Analyzed 2 days ago

Papyrus is a C++ scenegraph (canvas) library that uses cairo/cairomm for drawing operations. This allows papyrus to be used to draw in a Gtk+/Gtkmm widget, or draw to png, pdf and ps surfaces. In concept it is similar to the Gnome canvas or QT canvas.

7.1K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 16 years since last commit

5 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses



  Analyzed 1 day ago

Shoebot is a pure Python graphics robot: It takes a Python script as input, which describes a drawing process, and outputs a graphic in a common open standard format (SVG, PDF, PostScript, or PNG). It has a simple text editor GUI, and scripts can describe their own GUIs for controlling variables ... [More] interactively. Being pure Python, it can also be used as a Python module, a plugin for Python-scriptable tools such as Inkscape, and run from the command line. It was directly inspired by DrawBot and Shoes. Thus, "Shoebot." [Less]

280K lines of code

2 current contributors

5 months since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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  Analyzed 1 day ago

sK1 is an open source vector graphics editor similar to CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, or Freehand. First of all sK1 is oriented for PostScript processing. The major sK1 features: * CMYK colorspace support * CMYK support in Postscript * Cairo-based engine * Color managment ... [More] * Universal CDR importer (7-X3 versions) * Modern Ttk based (former Tile widgets) user interface [Less]

28.5K lines of code

6 current contributors

almost 3 years since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed about 12 hours ago

GRAL is a Java library for creating high quality plots and charts. Many plot types are available like scatter plots, bubble plots, line plots, time series, area plots, pie charts, and bar charts. Nearly every aspect of a plot's appearance can be adjusted using a settings system. Additionally, GRAL ... [More] can interchange and process data in various ways: filters can be used to smooth, derive, or rescale data. Several plug-ins allow the import and export of data and graphics to formats like CSV, JPEG, PNG, EPS, PDF, or SVG. Once a plot is set up it can be integrated into any application. Using the included system of Swing classes the user can interactively pan and zoom a plot. [Less]

23.8K lines of code

3 current contributors

over 4 years since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 2 days ago

UniConvertor is an universal vector graphics translator. The project uses sK1 engine to convert one format to another. Project has following import filters: CDR, CMX, CDT, CCX, CDRX, AI, CGM, WMF, XFIG, SVG, SK, SK1, AFF and export filters: AI, SVG, SK, SK1, CGM, WMF.

65.2K lines of code

4 current contributors

over 2 years since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

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  No analysis available

Valentina is a cross-platform patternmaking program which allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing. This software allows pattern creation, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl3



  Analyzed 1 day ago

Built on top of d3.js and stack.gl, plotly.js is a high-level, declarative charting library. plotly.js ships with 20 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps. The open source javascript graphing library that powers plotly.

1.39M lines of code

40 current contributors

3 days since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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  Analyzed 3 days ago

GraphicsBuilder is a Groovy builder for Java 2D. GraphicsBuilder provides an easy way to create Java2D graphics in a similar manner as JavaFX Script but in a groovier way.

9.78K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 11 years since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed about 11 hours ago

TwelveMonkeys ImageIO is a collection of plug-ins for Java's ImageIO. These plugins extends the number of image file formats supported in Java, using the javax.imageio.* package. The main purpose of this project is to provide support for formats not covered by the JDK itself. Support for ... [More] formats is important, both to be able to read data found "in the wild", as well as to maintain access to data in legacy formats. Because there is lots of legacy data out there, we see the need for open implementations of readers for popular formats. The goal is to create a set of efficient and robust ImageIO plug-ins, that can be distributed independently. [Less]

97.8K lines of code

3 current contributors

2 days since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  No analysis available

Wikini est un moteur wiki écrit en PHP; ses ambitions : être léger, rapide, facile à installer, intuitif, personalisable, compatible avec les standards d'internet, fonctionnant sur des plateformes php/mysql standard.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl