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Posted over 12 years ago
The Libravatar project has been pretty active in the last few weeks. Other than a whole lot of bug fixes, the most important feature that got implemented in the last month is support for BrowserID, a new distributed and privacy-protecting ... [More] authentication mechanism developed by Mozilla. Libravatar users can now use their BrowserID-verified email addresses to login automatically or to add a new email address to their account without having to go through manual email verification. Other than that, we've been busy writing new libraries so that you can now add support for Libravatar in your node.js and Twisted applications. So if you are an asynchronous programming fan, you can now put human faces on your websites! Talking about humans, you can now see the list of people behind Libravatar by taking a look at our very own humans.txt file. Want to see your name in there? We love to welcome new contributors! [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
The Libravatar project has been pretty active in the last few weeks. Other than a whole lot of bug fixes, the most important feature that got implemented in the last month is support for BrowserID, a new distributed and privacy-protecting ... [More] authentication mechanism developed by Mozilla. Libravatar users can now use their BrowserID-verified email addresses to login automatically or to add a new email address to their account without having to go through manual email verification. Other than that, we've been busy writing new libraries so that you can now add support for Libravatar in your node.js and Twisted applications. So if you are an asynchronous programming fan, you can now put human faces on your websites! Talking about humans, you can now see the list of people behind Libravatar by taking a look at our very own humans.txt file. Want to see your name in there? We love to welcome new contributors! [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Libravatar has joined the Retake the Net project, an initiative for projects and actions related to keeping the internet free and open. Retake the Net pulls together a number of projects which aim to create new and positive things to make the net ... [More] a better place where people are at the center. Software freedom is an important part of this vision and that's where Libravatar comes in. We're hoping to inspire and encourage other developers to join the movement. Join Retake the Net today and see if you can make it to one of our events! [Less]
Posted over 12 years ago
Libravatar has joined the Retake the Net project, an initiative for projects and actions related to keeping the internet free and open. Retake the Net pulls together a number of projects which aim to create new and positive things to make the ... [More] net a better place where people are at the center. Software freedom is an important part of this vision and that's where Libravatar comes in. We're hoping to inspire and encourage other developers to join the movement. Join Retake the Net today and see if you can make it to one of our events! [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
The Libravatar project is part of a movement working to give control back to people, away from centralised services and the organisations running them. It addresses a simple problem: putting a face on an email address. By using our service, you ... [More] can choose what picture to display next to the comments you leave on other people's blogs or next to your forum posts. Furthermore, if you own a domain name, you can choose to opt out of our service and run our free software on your own server, on your own terms. If you run a website or are the author of a web application, you can use our API (or one of the available libraries) to serve these images to your users without having to worry about hosting them yourself. The project was inspired by the work of the autonomous group and came about because we really like Gravatar and wanted to make sure that a similar service would be part of a free-as-in-freedom network. You can find a detailed description of Libravatar on our wiki and if it sounds like an interesting project to you, please consider becoming a contributor! [Less]
Posted almost 13 years ago
The Libravatar project is part of a movement working to give control back to people, away from centralised services and the organisations running them. It addresses a simple problem: putting a face on an email address. By using our service, you can ... [More] choose what picture to display next to the comments you leave on other people's blogs or next to your forum posts. Furthermore, if you own a domain name, you can choose to opt out of our service and run our free software on your own server, on your own terms. If you run a website or are the author of a web application, you can use our API (or one of the available libraries) to serve these images to your users without having to worry about hosting them yourself. The project was inspired by the work of the autonomous group and came about because we really like Gravatar and wanted to make sure that a similar service would be part of a free-as-in-freedom network. You can find a detailed description of Libravatar on our wiki and if it sounds like an interesting project to you, please consider becoming a contributor! [Less]
Posted about 13 years ago
This month marks the 1-year anniversary of when development started on Libravatar, a new Open Source federated approach to avatar hosting on the Web. A lot has happened in that year but we didn't pay much attention to this blog, preferring instead ... [More] to get the project going and hosted. We now have a wiki and a number of libraries to easily add Libravatar support to your favourite applications. After presenting the project at Kiwi PyCon 2010 and linux.conf.au 2011 (recording), François will be spreading the word at OSCON. Feel free to come and say hi! Here's to a great 2nd year. [Less]
Posted about 13 years ago
This month marks the 1-year anniversary of when development started on Libravatar, a new Open Source federated approach to avatar hosting on the Web. A lot has happened in that year but we didn't pay much attention to this blog, preferring ... [More] instead to get the project going and hosted. We now have a wiki and a number of libraries to easily add Libravatar support to your favourite applications. After presenting the project at Kiwi PyCon 2010 and linux.conf.au 2011 (recording), François will be spreading the word at OSCON. Feel free to come and say hi! Here's to a great 2nd year. [Less]
Posted about 13 years ago
This month marks the 1-year anniversary of when development started on Libravatar, a new Open Source federated approach to avatar hosting on the Web. A lot has happened in that year but we didn't pay much attention to this blog, preferring instead ... [More] to get the project going and hosted. We now have a wiki and a number of libraries to easily add Libravatar support to your favourite applications. After presenting the project at Kiwi PyCon 2010 and linux.conf.au 2011 (recording), François will be spreading the word at OSCON. Feel free to come and say hi! Here's to a great 2nd year. [Less]