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  • xulrunner (53)



      Analyzed about 13 hours ago

    Pentadactyl is a free browser add-on for Firefox, designed to make browsing more efficient and especially more keyboard accessible. Largely inspired by the Vim text editor, the appearance and finger feel of Pentadactyl should be familiar to Vim users. Additional web-specific features, such as our ... [More] ‘Hint’ mode, command interface, and key bindings to automatically follow back and forward links, make it easy to navigate without touching the mouse and give Pentadactyl a habit forming nature of its own. But Pentadactyl is more than just a simple command interface to Firefox—it is completely customizable and scriptable to the core. Not only can you easily define new commands and key mappings, but Pentadactyl also makes it easy to write scripts as powerful as any Firefox extension, but orders of magnitude simpler. Combine this with powerful JavaScript completion and evaluation from the command line, and you have a complete extension and web development platform that can be customized in every particular. [Less]

    33.8K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    about 8 years since last commit

    26 users on Open Hub

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    Tags vim xulrunner



      Analyzed 9 months ago

    Conkeror is a Gecko (Mozilla Rendering Engine) based web browser designed to be completely keyboard driven, no compromises. It also strives to behave as much like Emacs as possible with a taste of Lynx. This means all the keybindings and to-die-for features of Emacs that can be imitated by a JavaScript/XUL web browser Just Work.

    51.1K lines of code

    1 current contributors

    about 6 years since last commit

    24 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
    I Use This
    Licenses: gpl, lgpl, mozilla_p...



      Analyzed about 15 hours ago

    Gluezilla is a c/c++ library that provides a simple API to embed the Mozilla engine on applications in a cross-platform, version-independent way. It is designed to use only frozen interfaces (as much as is possible) from the xulrunner sdk, runs on Linux and Windows, and doesn't require ... [More] applications to use gtk (it accepts an X handle on Linux or a HWND on Windows and will run a gtk loop if mozilla needs it). [Less]

    7.46K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    about 14 years since last commit

    3 users on Open Hub

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      Analyzed about 15 hours ago

    Pyjs is a port of Google's GWT to Python. It provides a stand-alone python-to-javascript compiler, an AJAX library, widget toolkit, and general-purpose libraries that resemble desktop toolkits such as pyqt4 and pygkt2. With Pyjs, rich media applications can be written entirely in python, and ... [More] deployed for all major web browsers. Pyjs Native is now included by default, making it possible to run Pyjs applications -- unmodified -- as native Python desktop applications. HTML, CSS, and plugin features remain available, even in the browser version, thanks to ubiquitous browser engine technology. WebKit, XULRunner and MSHTML are the three current available options. [Less]

    133K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 9 years since last commit

    2 users on Open Hub

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      No analysis available

    Small application for quick and comfortable control over your SQLite databases.

    0 lines of code

    0 current contributors

    0 since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
    I Use This
    Mostly written in language not available
    Licenses: mozilla_p...

    Rooa IDE


      No analysis available

    This project is an IDE that is used to simply and powerfully create extensions to be installed on web browsers, and other applications accepting extensions, starting with Mozilla FireFox.

    0 lines of code

    0 current contributors

    0 since last commit

    1 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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    Mostly written in language not available
    Licenses: lgpl3

    Local Folder


      Analyzed about 2 months ago

    Allows you to browse folders (mainly those with images) on your local machine or LAN as though those folders were galleries. Powered by XUL Runner. Local Folder could eventually grow into a complete file browser like Windows Explorer.

    18 lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 15 years since last commit

    0 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
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      Analyzed about 15 hours ago

    Kylo is a Gecko-based web browser for computers connected to TVs. Browse the web from the comfort of your couch. Brought to you by Hillcrest Labs.

    31.2K lines of code

    0 current contributors

    over 5 years since last commit

    0 users on Open Hub

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      No analysis available

    Newton is a desktop wiki applet for the GNOME2 desktop environment. You enter your notes and information in a simple wiki-like syntax and Newton formats it in rich HTML for you! It is designed to make the creation of richly formatted documents of any type as simple and quick as possible.

    0 lines of code

    0 current contributors

    0 since last commit

    0 users on Open Hub

    Activity Not Available
    I Use This
    Mostly written in language not available
    Licenses: gpl