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  Name I Use This Lines of Code   Current Committers Community Rating Reviews Description  
detect-wizard 0 0
0 none 0 Black Duck scanning wizard to pre-scan folders, determine optimal scan configuration and call Synopsys Detect to scan
synopsys-detect 0 94044
0 none 0 Scanning and analysis for Synopsys products.
hub-detect 0 26737
10 none 0 Hub Detect offers package management level analysis combined with signature scanning.
blackduck-alert 0 154324
10 none 0 This application provides the ability to send notifications from the hub to various distribution channels.
hub-common 0 18509
13 none 0 The hub-common library supplies convenient communication with a Hub server through rest Api's as well as providing convenient ways to download the CLI and execute it.
integration-bdio 0 3075
6 none 0 The integration-bdio library provides a subset of the capabilities of the bdio library and will produce Black Duck I/O output for consumption by the Black Duck Hub.
hub-jira 0 0
8 none 0 Hub plugin for Atlassian JIRA. This plugin provides the ability to create JIRA issues based on Policy violations in the Hub, and close them based on violation overrides. Tickets will only be created for the Hub projects that are mapped to JIRA projects and only for the violations that are selected.
opssight-connector 0 1016044
10 none 0 The opssight-connector provides integration between Black Duck Hub and OpenShift v3.x or Kubernetes. ... [More] In the current implementation, pre-existing images and pods are automatically discovered and monitored. When a new image or pod is discovered, the integration kicks off a scan engine container to perform the scan and upload the results to your Black Duck Hub instance. [Less]
Ohloh UI 1 78620
1 Web Application for the Ohloh Stack. Currently Rails 4.2.7 & Ruby 2.2.5
ohcount4j 1 10879
0 none 0 Line counting and language identification tool.
idutils 0 3353
0 none 0 Collection of identification utilities that assist with Protex identifications.
common-framework 1 502068
0 Common framework for Black Duck tools.
ohloh_api 1 4931
0 none 0 Ohloh API examples
Ohloh SCM 8 5153
0 The Ohloh Source Control Management library is an abstraction layer for source control management ... [More] systems, allowing an application to interoperate with various SCMs using a single interface. It was originally developed at Ohloh (now the Black Duck Open Hub), and is used to generate the reports at [Less]
Ohcount 93 39879
2 Ohcount is a source code line counter. Ohcount identifies source code files in most common ... [More] programming languages, and prepares total counts of code and comments. It can operate on single files or entire directory trees. Ohcount can produce line-by-line analysis of files for detailed debugging. Ohcount is used to create the source code reports on the Ohloh website. [Less]