I Use This!
Very High Activity


Analyzed about 22 hours ago. based on code collected 1 day ago.

Contributes to GIMP

Contributes to GEGL

Contributes to OpenSimulator

and 10 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 8

Contributes to GIMP

Contributes to GEGL

Contributes to babl

and 5 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 8

Contributes to phpMyAdmin as Adrien Crivelli

Contributes to Doctrine

Contributes to Matomo

and 39 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 8

Contributes to GNU sed

Contributes to Gentoo Linux

Contributes to Parrot

and 227 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 8

Contributes to Spring Framework

Contributes to JUnit

Contributes to Apache Commons Lang

and 27 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7

Contributes to KDE as Marcel Partap

Contributes to Drupal (core)

Contributes to Konqueror as Marcel Partap

and 13 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7

Contributes to Geeklog

Contributes to phpMyAdmin as Rouslan Placella

Contributes to Weblate

and 1 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7

Contributes to Inkscape as aurium

Contributes to GNOME

Contributes to Noosfero as AurelioAHeckert

and 2 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7

Contributes to Blender 3D

Contributes to Inkscape

Contributes to KDE

and 28 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7

Contributes to Tango Desktop Project

Contributes to GNOME

Contributes to GTK

and 9 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 7