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Java Simon


  Analyzed 4 days ago

Java Simon - Simple Monitoring API Java Simon is a simple monitoring API that allows you to follow and better understand your application. Monitors (familiarly called Simons) are placed directly into your code and you can choose whether you want to count something or measure time/duration. ... [More] Current version 3.4 (released on August, 2013) provides core monitor functionality, extensibility via Callbacks, JMX and Spring integration tools (AOP based), Java EE monitoring (Servlet filter, EJB interceptor) and easy to use JDBC4 proxy driver that measures JDBC performance and can log all statements too. This all can be displayed on web-based Console. Version requires Java SE 6 or higher. [Less]

27.4K lines of code

5 current contributors

over 2 years since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

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Units of Measurement


  No analysis available

JSR 385 - A Units of Measurement API for the Java Community: (successor to JSR 363, replacing JSR 275, 108, 256 and earlier efforts like OSGi Measurements). Allowing experts to collaborate on source code evolving around Unit Standards like UCUM.

0 lines of code

11 current contributors

0 since last commit

3 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: apache_2, bsd_2clau..., BSD-3-Clause



  Analyzed 2 days ago

The Panopticode project provides a standardized format for describing the structure of software projects and integrates metrics from several tools into that format. Reporting options provide correlation, historic analysis, and visualization.

575K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 15 years since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed about 13 hours ago

perfSONAR is a network measurement toolkit designed to provide federated coverage of paths, and help to establish end-to-end usage expectations. perfSONAR provides a uniform interface that allows for the scheduling of measurements, storage of data in uniform formats, and scalable methods to ... [More] retrieve data and generate visualizations. This extensible system can be modified to support new metrics, and there are endless possibilities for data presentation. [Less]

374K lines of code

16 current contributors

19 days since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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PUMA Repository


  No analysis available

The PUMA Repository (Pascal units for medical applications) is a collection of reusable source code for medical software, bioinformatics and health information technology. It is compatible with Lazarus and Free Pascal. A range of other Pascal implementations including Delphi and winsoft Pocket ... [More] Studio is partly supported. The packages of PUMA Repository include a Unit Converter and an HL7 Engine. The Unit Converter is a Pascal unit that provides functions for parsing quantitative instrumentation readings consisting of measurement values and units and for conversion of measurements from one unit to another one. The HL7 Engine is a set of classes that provide functions for parsing and compiling HL7 messages. Additionally, it supports reading and writing messages as files or streams. [Less]

0 lines of code

1 current contributors

0 since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: bsd_ish



  Analyzed 1 day ago

This command line tool and Perl module attempts to implement reasonably robust benchmarking with little extra effort and expertise required from the user. That is to say, benchmarking using this module is likely an improvement over the typical "time ./something". See this blog post for a ... [More] discussion: http://blogs.perl.org/users/steffen_mueller/2010/09/your-benchmarks-suck.html [Less]

5.8K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 7 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Claimed by Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) Analyzed 1 day ago

The open source phasor data concentrator is a system that is used to manage, process and respond to dynamic changes in fast moving streaming phasor data. More specifically, the openPDC can process any kind of data that can be described as “time-stamped measured values”. These measured values are ... [More] simply numeric quantities that have been acquired at a source device and are typically called points, signals, events, time-series values or measurements. When a value gets measured, an exact timestamp is taken, typically using a GPS-clock for accuracy – the value, along with its timestamp, is then streamed to the openPDC where it can be “time-aligned” with other incoming measurements so that an action can then be taken on a complete slice of data all measured at the exact same moment in time. [Less]

1.18M lines of code

4 current contributors

8 days since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  No analysis available

ChronoJump is a complete multiplatform system for measurement, management and statistics of jump time events (contact time, flight time), and other actions. ChronoJump uses a contact platform suitable for two events (in-platform, out-platform), and also a chronometer printed circuit designed ... [More] ad-hoc in order to obtain precise and trustworthy measurements. The flight time of a jump is an indicator of the elevation of the Center of gravity of the jumper (as long as the starting and arrival position are the same). ChronoJump can also be used for timing races even with intervals, reaction time and rhythms. [Less]

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl



  Analyzed 3 days ago

Guifibages speedtest tool

545 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 6 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Claimed by Grid Protection Alliance (GPA) Analyzed about 16 hours ago

SIEGate (the Secure Information Exchange Gateway pronounced Psy-gate) exists to (1) improve the security posture and minimize the external cyber-attack surface of electric utility control centers, and (2) to reduce the cost of maintaining current control-room-to-control-room information exchange. ... [More] SIEGate implements a true publish-subscribe architecture where the sending gateway owner authorizes data as available for subscription by specific consuming gateways. Once authorized, the consuming gateway discovers the data that has been made available to it by other SIEGate nodes and allows selective subscription. Data made available for publication and subscription by SIEGate includes measurements, such as SCADA or synchrophasor data, files, notifications and alarms. [Less]

1.11M lines of code

3 current contributors

8 days since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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