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Apache Camel


Claimed by Apache Software Foundation Analyzed 3 days ago

Apache Camel is a powerful rule based integration framework which provides a POJO based implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an extremely powerful fluent API (or declarative Java Domain Specific Language) to configure routing and mediation rules. The Domain Specific Language ... [More] means that Apache Camel can support type-safe smart completion of routing rules in your IDE using regular Java code without huge amounts of XML configuration files; though Xml Configuration inside Spring is also supported. [Less]

1.97M lines of code

0 current contributors

4 days since last commit

103 users on Open Hub

Very High Activity
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Claimed by KDE Analyzed 4 days ago

KBabel is a set of tools for editing and managing gettext PO files. Main part is a powerful and comfortable PO file editor which features full navigation capabilities, full editing functionality, possibility to search for translations in different dictionaries, spell and syntax checking, showing ... [More] diffs and many more. Also included is a "Catalog Manager", a file manager view which helps keeping an overview of PO files. Last but not least it includes a standalone dictionary application as an additional possibility to access KBabel's powerful dictionaries. KBabel will help you to translate fast and also keep consistent translations. [Less]

43.8K lines of code

0 current contributors

5 days since last commit

27 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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  No analysis available

Web based translation tool with tight Git integration.

0 lines of code

237 current contributors

0 since last commit

15 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: gpl3_or_l...

Translate Toolkit


Claimed by Translate Analyzed 3 days ago

The Translate Toolkit gives translators a number of tools to enhance their localization activity. Support is included for standard localization formats including Gettext PO, XLIFF, TMX and TBX This includes converters. These can convert from various formats including Java properties, Mozilla ... [More] files, OpenOffice.org, Qt .ts and others. Other tools allow for quality assurance with over 40 checks, greping, debugging and counting. [Less]

59.3K lines of code

9 current contributors

13 days since last commit

14 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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Claimed by KDE Analyzed 4 days ago

Lokalize is a computer-aided translation system that focuses on productivity and quality assurance. Translator does only creative work (of delivering message in his/her mother language in laconic and easy to understand form). Lokalize implies paragraph-by-paragraph translation approach (when ... [More] translating documentation) and message-by-message approach (when translating GUI). [Less]

43.8K lines of code

16 current contributors

5 days since last commit

12 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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Claimed by Translate Analyzed 3 days ago

Virtaal is a localization and translation tool, also called a CAT tool. It builds on the Translate Toolkit to offer translators a rich translation experience. It support the editing of the following translation formats: XLIFF, Gettext PO, Qt Linguist, Gettext MO, Wordfast TM and others. Its ... [More] simple interface design focuses on removing the clutter associated with most localisation tools and allowing the translator to focus on task at hand with the information they need to complete the current task. [Less]

23.2K lines of code

3 current contributors

almost 4 years since last commit

12 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 5 months ago

OmegaT is a free and open source multiplatform Computer Assisted Translation tool with fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects.

1.23M lines of code

5 current contributors

about 1 year since last commit

7 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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SQL Fairy


  Analyzed 11 days ago

SQL::Translator is a group of Perl modules that manipulate structured data definitions (mostly database schemas) in interesting ways, such as converting among different dialects of CREATE syntax (e.g., MySQL-to-Oracle), visualizations of schemas (pseudo-ER diagrams: GraphViz or GD), automatic code ... [More] generation (using Class::DBI), converting non-RDBMS files to SQL schemas (xSV text files, Excel spreadsheets), serializing parsed schemas (via Storable, YAML and XML), creating documentation (HTML and POD), and more. New to version 0.03 is the ability to talk directly to a database through DBI to query for the structures of several databases. [Less]

70.4K lines of code

2 current contributors

over 3 years since last commit

6 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: Artistic_..., gpl



Claimed by EPITA Research and Developm... Analyzed 3 days ago

Spot is a C++14 library for manipulating omega-automata and LTL/PSL formulas. It offers a set of bricks to experiment with and develop your own model checker, or do other formulas/automata transformations. It comes with a dozen command-line utilities, and Python bindings.

253K lines of code

3 current contributors

20 days since last commit

4 users on Open Hub

Moderate Activity
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I18n tools for Java


  No analysis available

Light library for easy translation of Java programs using annotations and reflection.

0 lines of code

0 current contributors

0 since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

Activity Not Available
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Mostly written in language not available
Licenses: lgpl3