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Posted about 14 years ago by Andrus Adamchik
News Item added by Andrus Adamchik Cayenne 3.0 Release Candidate 3 is available for download now. It contains 14 bug fixes, and has a good chance of becoming the last ... [More] RC before 3.0-final. We encourage our users to give RC3 a try and provide us with feedback of any possible issues. http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html View Online [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News Item added by Ari Maniatis We are very pleased to release 3.0 RC2. Another significant step along the way toward the final 3.0 release. A few (most minor) bugs ... [More] have been fixed: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY/fixforversion/12314495 Anyone using Cayenne 3 is recommended to upgrade to this release. Users of Cayenne 2.x and earlier are recommended to upgrade their development environments and perform testing to ensure your application can be upgraded smoothly. http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html View Online [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News Item added by Ari Maniatis Cayenne 3.0 Release Candidate 1 has arrived. We are well on the track for a final release very soon now. In fact there are no known ... [More] issues at all which haven't been already fixed for the upcoming next release candidate. A few fixes have been made between beta 1 and RC1 and you can see them here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY/fixforversion/12314338 It is currently expected that RC2 will be the final release for Cayenne 3, unless something unexpected turns up. We've said it before, but now is really a good time for you to try Cayenne 3 in your project. If you want a team of motivated developers to quickly jump on any issues you find, you need to tell us as soon as possible so we can address it before the release. An overview of the major changes in 3.0 is available: http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/guide-to-30-features.html We have a simple upgrade guide for users of previous releases: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/tags/3.0RC1/docs/doc/src/main/resources/UPGRADE.txt Please give Cayenne 3 a spin. It will make your programming work 27% more enjoyable... http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html View Online [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News Item added by Ari Maniatis The Cayenne team welcomes Evgeny Ryabitskiy as a committer. In recognition of his work so far on Cayenne, he has been voted by the ... [More] Project Management Committee to be given the rights to commit his work directly to the Cayenne repository. Evgeny lives in Russia, moving from Siberia to to the slightly (not much) warmer Moscow. He enjoys Yoga and a range of physical activities from dancing to martial arts. After graduating from Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Lomonosov Moscow State University, he has been working on web services using Cayenne with Diasoft, with a focus on the banking industry. Right now Evgeny is working on improving Cayenne's ability to work with specific Oracle features. View Online [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News Item added by Ari Maniatis The Cayenne team would like to congratulate Olga (Ольга Ткачева) on her appointment as a committer. As recognition for her ongoing ... [More] contributions over the last year, this status allows Olga to make changes to the source control repository of Cayenne directly. Although Olga works under the guidance of Andrus at Objectstyle, all Apache appointments are made on the basis of individual skill and ability to contribute. And Olga's contributions recently have been particularly valuable as Cayenne approaches the final 3.0 release. She has run a suite of tests against many of the supported databases, fixing problems with SQL syntax that become evident. Before that Olga made a range of contributions, particularly to the Modeler. Olga lives in Minsk, Belarus and graduated from the Belarusian National Technical University, specialising in information systems and technologies in information processing and presentation. After some commercial development work on Java based course management software (Hibernate, Struts, Spring, JSP and more), she began to work with Cayenne and found it exciting and interesting. Her goals are to continue working on ensuring Cayenne works smoothly across many databases flavours of SQL and to continue to improve the modeler. When Olga isn't in front of a computer, she like to read, cook, swim and dance. View Online [Less]
Posted over 14 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News Item edited by Ari Maniatis Although many of you have been using Cayenne 3 in production for some time now, we figured it was about time we formally released 3.0 ... [More] to let everyone else know how robust this branch is. Today we have the great pleasure in releasing Cayenne 3.0 beta 1. This means that only bug fixes will be applied and no more features or API changes will be introduced to the Cayenne library until after the final 3.0 release. Cayenne Modeler is not yet frozen, so there may be a few more changes going in to the Modeler before the next beta. Depending on bug reports, there will be several more betas and release candidates before the final release within the next few months. This is a perfect time to upgrade your development environment from Cayenne 1.2 or 2.0 to the 3.0 beta. We want to know about any issues you face with using Cayenne in your project. The perfect time to get those problems fixed quickly is right now with all the developers focused on putting the final polish on the release. An overview of the major changes in 3.0 is available: http://cayenne.apache.org/doc/guide-to-30-features.html We have a simple upgrade guide for users of previous releases: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/tags/3.0B1/docs/doc/src/main/resources/UPGRADE.txt Rather than try to cover the dozens of features and bug fixes since the last milestone, here's a glimpse of just one new feature: "Allow providing custom INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE query builders". This means, for example, that you can override the default behaviour and instead of actually deleting records, you could have Cayenne update them with a 'deleted' flag. Combine that with a qualifier to suppress the 'deleted' records, and you have a powerful way to maintain an auditable archive of data. This milestone has much more; read about it here: Release notes Please download the beta and give Cayenne 3 a spin. We hope you enjoy it. http://cayenne.apache.org/download.html View Online [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News created by Ari Maniatis on May 27, 2009 06:31 Another release on the journey to Cayenne 3.0! This milestone adds a ... [More] plethora of new features including quoting of identifiers (useful for db column names with spaces), nested contexts in ROP, and EJBQL/SQLTemplate/ProcedureQuery queries now support the full range of configuration options available to native SelectQueries. The Modeler received new features such schema analysis on startup (which can prompt the user to create or upgrade the database schema) and support for EJBQL. Naturally, lots of bug fixes have also made it into Cayenne in the last 5 months since the previous milestone. In response to user demand, the Cayenne team have also decided to not target JPA compliance for 3.0, and instead focus on further improvements to the range and flexibility of the native API. Although Cayenne may return to focus on JPA in the future, the work done already (such as lifecycle events, EJBQL, etc) has been very useful and will remain important parts of Cayenne for everyone to use. Cayenne's clean and powerful API is one of the main reasons users choose this library and focussing our efforts there is our primary goal. We hope you enjoy this latest release. There will probably be only one more release with new features before 3.0 is settled into beta testing, so we encourage everyone to try this latest milestone, and report back to us with any important missing functionality. We have several developers who track Cayenne trunk reasonably closely in production systems, so we are confident of the stability of this release. It is likely that there will be some API changes before the final 3.0 is released. [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by Andrus Adamchik
News updated by Andrus Adamchik to revision 2 on May 11, 2009 19:11. created by Ari Maniatis on Mar 08, 2007 07:38 ... [More] As work continues toward Cayenne 3.0, many new features have already been implemented and tested. Lifecycle callbacks and JPA are two of the most important, still undergoing development. More is left to be done, but some people are using early 3.0 builds in production already. Milestone releases are now being released here to facilitate wider testing and Javadocs are now built and published nightly from the trunk of the development repository. [Less]
Posted about 15 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News created by Ari Maniatis on May 08, 2009 00:07 The Apache Cayenne project welcomes Andrey Razumovsky to the Cayenne PMC. ... [More] Andrey will be a valuable member of the team which oversees the overall direction of Cayenne and is responsible for ensuring all releases meet the highest standards. Andrey started creating business sofware back in 2004, while studying at St Petersburg Electrotechnical University. In 2008 he contributed to Cayenne as part of the Google Summer of Code and became a committer shortly after. Andrey has already contributed some important improvements to the Cayenne Modeler and to the core library, such as nested contexts in ROP. Andrey currently works as a contracted software developer, building web and desktop systems for a number of companies in Russia and abroad. [Less]
Posted over 15 years ago by Ari Maniatis
News created by Ari Maniatis on Dec 15, 2008 04:07 Milestone 5 marks another set of major achievements for the Cayenne ORM ... [More] library. A successful GSoC project resulted in lots of very useful improvements to the Cayenne Modeler. It is looking better than ever, with time saving features such as autocomplete, copy/paste, syntax colouring and much more. Cayenne core has had a host of bug fixes to ROP and EJBQL in particular, but also fixes and new features across many areas. Database reverse engineering is also considerably improved. As always, continue to use Cayenne 2 if you want a stable release with a proven history, however Cayenne 3 is in use in a number of live commercial deployments with great success and stability. As we getting closer to the final 3.0 release, there aren't any API changes in 3.0M5, so upgrading from 3.0M4 should be painless. We recommend all users of 3.0 milestones upgrade to this release. If you are upgrading from 2.x, then please read these notes here. M5 Release notes Download Please send us your feedback, bug reports and feature requests. We've enjoyed creating this release and we hope it helps you create exciting websites, applications and tools. [Less]