I Use This!
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Analyzed 5 months ago. based on code collected almost 5 years ago.

Contributes to Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)

Contributes to Wine as Diego Pettenò

Contributes to xine - a free video player as Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò

and 272 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 10

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as Graydon Hoare

Contributes to GNU Compiler Collection as Graydon Hoare

Contributes to OProfile

and 61 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Chrome

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as timeless%mozdev.org

Contributes to Camino

and 53 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Linux Kernel

Contributes to KVM

and 16 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox

Contributes to Python programming language

Contributes to Gentoo Linux

and 16 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Git

Contributes to Linux Kernel

Contributes to Debian

and 33 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to w3m

Contributes to GNU Core Utilities

Contributes to GNU Screen

and 15 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9

Contributes to Mozilla Firefox as silver%warwickcompsoc.co.uk

Contributes to Thunderbird

Contributes to SeaMonkey

and 28 other projects
Kudo Rank
KudoRank 9