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Project Summary

The aim of the IcePick project is to allow the language tools (javac, javadoc, javah, javap, apt) from the OpenJDK project to be built separately using any 1.5 compliant Java compiler. This is primarily motivated by a desire to allow these tools to be used with virtual machines that make use of the GNU Classpath library rather than simply as part of the larger IcedTea or OpenJDK distribution with the HotSpot or CACAO virtual machines. Unlike IcedTea, IcePick's only dependency is a 1.5 capable compiler which can be provided by ecj, a gcj which uses ecj or an existing copy of javac. Because the OpenJDK class libraries and HotSpot are not being built, their requisite dependencies (see BuildRequirements are no longer needed. As a result, IcePick is buildable on a wider range of systems including those not yet supported by IcedTea. This includes those architectures other than x86, x86_64, ppc and ppc64 (the latter two having experimental support on IcedTea thanks to Gary Benson) and systems which can't meet the arduous build requirements of IcedTea/OpenJDK. It also provides a solution for users who want the OpenJDK toolset but don't want to build the entire distribution.


java javac openjdk

In a Nutshell, IcePick...

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Project Security

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Project Vulnerability Report

Security Confidence Index

Poor security track-record
Favorable security track-record

Vulnerability Exposure Index

Many reported vulnerabilities
Few reported vulnerabilities

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 Code analysis has not completed

The Open Hub computes statistics on FOSS projects by examining source code and commit history in source code management systems. The source code for this project has been located, but the analysis isn't complete. Feel free to check its progress.

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