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Project Summary

This package provides a library which is an extension for the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).
It allows to define and manipulate tensors, multidimensional arrays of any order with the same dimension for every index. Tensors generalize vectors and square matrices, and provide powerful functions like tensorial product, index contraction and index swapping.
The library interface is very similar to that of gsl_matrix, and most of the functions that exist for gsl_matrix are also implemented for tensors and have the same syntax.
Its sister project is "marray", which defines a new type similar to tensor but with an arbitrary dimension for each index (for matrices, that would be rectangular matrices), but without the tensor operations defined. It is suited to work with data grids. "marray" can be found at http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/marray/
There is online documentation available at http://snow.phys.uwm.edu/tensor
Get the latest stable release from https://savannah.nongnu.org/files/?group=tensor
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c++ gsl numerical

In a Nutshell, Tensor extension to the GSL...

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