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cipra Unit Testing Framework


  Analyzed about 12 hours ago

cipra is a simple, TAP-compatible Unit Testing Framework for C++. cipra is Free and Open Source Software, released under a 3-clause BSD-style license. It's written in 100% standard C++11 and is only a couple header files, making it easy to include in your C++11 project. TAP, the Test Anything ... [More] Protocol, is a standard output format for software unit test frameworks that was originally designed for Perl, but can serve other languages. It has a rich number of tools ("harnesses") that parse TAP formatted output and do useful things with it. TAP, however, is equally human-readable. The name cipra (pronounced /ˈʃi.pɾaː/ "SHEE-prah") comes from the lojban phrase "lo cipra", which means "the test". It is properly written with an initial minuscule 'c', even when at the start of a sentence. [Less]

732 lines of code

0 current contributors

over 10 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: BSD-3-Clause, cc-by-3



  Analyzed 3 days ago

Gaudy is a header-only color processing library, offering RGB to HSV to Spectral Colors, including color arithmetics. It will also include Pixel-Format conversion, for example RGB565 to RGB888, and similar. Its aim is to become The One Color Library to end it all.

4.31K lines of code

1 current contributors

over 4 years since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

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  Analyzed 4 days ago

C++ genetic algorithms scientific library

4.53K lines of code

0 current contributors

10 months since last commit

0 users on Open Hub

Very Low Activity
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