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The ADAMS Flow


  Analyzed 12 days ago

ADAMS is a flexible workflow engine aimed at quickly building and maintaining data-driven, reactive workflows, easily integrated into business processes. Instead of placing operators on a canvas and manually connecting them, a tree structure and flow control operators determine how data is ... [More] processed (sequentially/parallel). This allows rapid development and easy maintenance of large workflows, with hundreds or thousands of operators. Operators include machine learning (WEKA, MOA, MEKA) and image processing (ImageJ, JAI, BoofCV, OpenImaJ, LIRE, ImageMagick and Gnuplot). R available using Rserve. WEKA webservice allows other frameworks to use WEKA models. Fast prototyping with Groovy and Jython. Read/write support for various databases and spreadsheet applications. [Less]

1.09M lines of code

4 current contributors

13 days since last commit

2 users on Open Hub

High Activity
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