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Analyzed 4 days ago. based on code collected 15 days ago.
Posted almost 8 years ago
Support for METAR/TAF data in Horde's weather library to replace the deprecated PEAR_Services_Weather package.
Posted about 8 years ago
Various images available for testing different Horde branches, PHP versions, configurations and backends.
Posted over 8 years ago
Many to Many relations btween to object types or table rows are usually saved to a database using a third table. For example, if every server can have multiple services and each service can run on multiple computers, we need a third table to store ... [More] the relations: server table: server_id | server_name 1 | hoellenhund.internal.company.com 2 | forellenfisch.internal.company.com service table: service_id | service_name 1 | tomcat 2 | dovecot relation table: service_id | server_id 1 | 1 2 | 2 2 | 1 Horde’s ORM Layer Horde_Rdo supports creating, checking and changing such relations but it’s not very prominently documented. Let’s look at an example. First, we need to create the database schema. Note that the relations table has no autoincrement key, only the two columns used for lookup /usr/share/php5/PEAR/www/horde/hvview/migration # cat 1_hvview_base_tables.php /** * Create Hvview base tables. * * Copyright 2015-2015 B1 Systems GmbH (http://www.b1-systems.de/) * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/gpl. * * @author Ralf Lang $t = $this->createTable('hvview_technical_landscapes', array('autoincrementKey' => 'landscape_id')); $t->column('landscape_name', 'string', array('limit' => 255, 'null' => false)); $t->column('period_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->end(); $t = $this->createTable('hvview_resource_pools', array('autoincrementKey' => 'resource_pool_id')); $t->column('pool_name', 'string', array('limit' => 255, 'null' => false)); $t->column('landscape_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->column('period_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->end(); $t = $this->createTable('hvview_hardware_pools', array('autoincrementKey' => 'hardware_pool_id')); $t->column('pool_name', 'string', array('limit' => 255, 'null' => false)); $t->column('landscape_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); /* possibly redundant, but may speed up things */ $t->column('period_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->end(); /*Relations table*/ $t = $this->createTable('hvview_rp_hwps', array('autoincrementKey' => false)); $t->column('resource_pool_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->column('hardware_pool_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->end(); $t = $this->createTable('hvview_periods', array('autoincrementKey' => 'period_id')); $t->column('period_ts', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->end(); /* We collapse hypervisor and blade server objects into one for now - let`s see if this scales well */ $t = $this->createTable('hvview_servers', array('autoincrementKey' => 'server_id')); $t->column('period_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->column('hardware_pool_id', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => false)); $t->column('hostname', 'string', array('limit' => 100, 'null' => false)); $t->column('state', 'string', array('limit' => 20, 'null' => true)); $t->column('os_release', 'string', array('limit' => 20, 'null' => true)); $t->column('comment', 'string', array('limit' => 255, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_free_vcpu', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_free_memory', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_free_disk', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_total_vcpu', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_total_memory', 'integer', array('limit' => 11, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_excluded', 'integer', array('limit' => 1, 'null' => true)); $t->column('hv_vm_count', 'integer', array('limit' => 3, 'null' => true)); $t->end(); // Indices not before we have an idea which of them we need most // $this->addIndex('hvview_items', array('item_owner')); } /** * Downgrade */ public function down()Truncated by Planet Horde, read more at the original (another 2955 bytes) [Less]
Posted over 9 years ago
Horde Groupware played a role in Germany's number one crime series on Sunday evening.
Posted over 10 years ago
A simple Horde Hook to store the last chosen login value in a user preference. You can use this for example to determine in which language automatic messages by cron job or daemon should be sent. // // APPLICATION AUTHENTICATED HOOK: See above ... [More] for format. public function appauthenticated() { global $language; global $prefs; if ($language) { $prefs->setValue('language', $language); } // // Code to run when an application is first authenticated } If you want, you can modify it so it won’t overrule manual settings in the prefs UI: if ($language && empty($prefs->getValue('language')) { $prefs->setValue('language', $language); } [Less]
Posted over 10 years ago
A simple Horde Hook to store the last chosen login value in a user preference. You can use this for example to determine in which language automatic messages by cron job or daemon should be sent. // // APPLICATION AUTHENTICATED HOOK: See above ... [More] for format. public function appauthenticated() { global $language; global $prefs; if ($language) { $prefs->setValue('language', $language); } // // Code to run when an application is first authenticated } If you want, you can modify it so it won’t overrule manual settings in the prefs UI: if ($language && empty($prefs->getValue('language')) { $prefs->setValue('language', $language); } [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago
Michael Slusarz of Horde LLC started a crowdfunding experiment: He offered a 3000 $ project at crowdtilt.com to back up development of the IMP multi-account feature. Multi-Account support allows users to manage multiple mail boxes within one horde ... [More] account. The feature is meant to replace Horde 3′s fetchmail feature which has not been ported for Horde 4 and 5 because technically, it’s not desirable anymore. Michael Slusarz: The old fetchmail functionality is not coming back. It simply doesn’t work coherently/properly in a PHP environment with limited process times (and is non-threaded). The replacement MUST be the ability to access multiple accounts within a single session. But this is not a trivial change After Slusarz started the fundraising campaign, long-time supporters and users of horde contributed funds. Currently, after three days, more that 80% of funding have been raised. About 500 US $ are still missing. The change is not trivial and probably going into IMP 6.2 for Horde 5. As mentioned previously, this is a multi-week project, at least from a project planning perspective. And that doesn’t include the bug-fixing that is likely to be significant, given the fact that this is 1) an invasive UI change and 2) is involving connections to remote servers. That being said – this is something I personally would *really* like to see in IMP also, so I am willing to provide a discount and prioritize this over some other activities I am currently involved in. [..] * This won’t be available for IMP 6.1. This will go into 6.2, at the earliest. The Horde IMP Webmailer is among the most popular webmail applications in the world. It is shipped with most widespread linux distributions like openSUSE and Debian and has been used to drive webmail and groupware applications for large-scale userbases all over the world. Currently, Horde 5 / IMP 6 is integrated into the cpanel administration product. [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago
Michael Slusarz of Horde LLC started a crowdfunding experiment: He offered a 3000 $ project at crowdtilt.com to back up development of the IMP multi-account feature. Multi-Account support allows users to manage multiple mail boxes within one horde ... [More] account. The feature is meant to replace Horde 3’s fetchmail feature which has not been ported for Horde 4 and 5 because technically, it’s not desirable anymore. Michael Slusarz: The old fetchmail functionality is not coming back. It simply doesn’t work coherently/properly in a PHP environment with limited process times (and is non-threaded). The replacement MUST be the ability to access multiple accounts within a single session. But this is not a trivial change After Slusarz started the fundraising campaign, long-time supporters and users of horde contributed funds. Currently, after three days, more that 80% of funding have been raised. About 500 US $ are still missing. The change is not trivial and probably going into IMP 6.2 for Horde 5. As mentioned previously, this is a multi-week project, at least from a project planning perspective. And that doesn’t include the bug-fixing that is likely to be significant, given the fact that this is 1) an invasive UI change and 2) is involving connections to remote servers. That being said – this is something I personally would *really* like to see in IMP also, so I am willing to provide a discount and prioritize this over some other activities I am currently involved in. [..] * This won’t be available for IMP 6.1. This will go into 6.2, at the earliest. The Horde IMP Webmailer is among the most popular webmail applications in the world. It is shipped with most widespread linux distributions like openSUSE and Debian and has been used to drive webmail and groupware applications for large-scale userbases all over the world. Currently, Horde 5 / IMP 6 is integrated into the cpanel administration product. Update: After roughly a week, by 2013-08-14 the crowdfunding tilted: 3090 USD had been contributed. http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html I proudly get to make the announcement that the IMP Multiple Accounts feature has been fully funded, as we reached the funding goal on Crowdtilt this afternoon: http://tilt.tc/Evs2 I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the contributors: – Simon Wilson – Luis Felipe Marzagao – Ralf Lang – Digicolo.net srl – Elbia Hosting – Thomas Jarosch – Andrew Dorman – Henning Retzgen – Michael Cramer – Harvey Braun – SAPO/Portugal Telecom – Matthias Bitterlich – Allan Girvan – Bill Abrams – Markus Wolff – CAIXALMASSORA (Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas) – Wolf Maschinenbau AG (Samuel Wolf) It feels good to put a definite milestone into the enhancement ticket: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8077 Should be able to start on this soon… hopefully tomorrow. Still undecided on which branch I’m going to do development in but I will post information to the dev@ list once I decide. Those that contributed may get status updates. Once again, thanks to everyone for supporting the Horde Project. Not only was this an interesting experience from my standpoint (hopefully others as well), but now we will soon get a feature that is obviously desired by a large portion of the user base. michael [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago
Michael Slusarz of Horde LLC started a crowdfunding experiment: He offered a 3000 $ project at crowdtilt.com to back up development of the IMP multi-account feature. Multi-Account support allows users to manage multiple mail boxes within one horde ... [More] account. The feature is meant to replace Horde 3’s fetchmail feature which has not been ported for Horde 4 and 5 because technically, it’s not desirable anymore. Michael Slusarz: The old fetchmail functionality is not coming back. It simply doesn’t work coherently/properly in a PHP environment with limited process times (and is non-threaded). The replacement MUST be the ability to access multiple accounts within a single session. But this is not a trivial change After Slusarz started the fundraising campaign, long-time supporters and users of horde contributed funds. Currently, after three days, more that 80% of funding have been raised. About 500 US $ are still missing. The change is not trivial and probably going into IMP 6.2 for Horde 5. As mentioned previously, this is a multi-week project, at least from a project planning perspective. And that doesn’t include the bug-fixing that is likely to be significant, given the fact that this is 1) an invasive UI change and 2) is involving connections to remote servers. That being said – this is something I personally would *really* like to see in IMP also, so I am willing to provide a discount and prioritize this over some other activities I am currently involved in. [..] * This won’t be available for IMP 6.1. This will go into 6.2, at the earliest. The Horde IMP Webmailer is among the most popular webmail applications in the world. It is shipped with most widespread linux distributions like openSUSE and Debian and has been used to drive webmail and groupware applications for large-scale userbases all over the world. Currently, Horde 5 / IMP 6 is integrated into the cpanel administration product. Update: After roughly a week, by 2013-08-14 the crowdfunding tilted: 3090 USD had been contributed. http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html I proudly get to make the announcement that the IMP Multiple Accounts feature has been fully funded, as we reached the funding goal on Crowdtilt this afternoon: http://tilt.tc/Evs2 I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the contributors: – Simon Wilson – Luis Felipe Marzagao – Ralf Lang – Digicolo.net srl – Elbia Hosting – Thomas Jarosch – Andrew Dorman – Henning Retzgen – Michael Cramer – Harvey Braun – SAPO/Portugal Telecom – Matthias Bitterlich – Allan Girvan – Bill Abrams – Markus Wolff – CAIXALMASSORA (Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas) – Wolf Maschinenbau AG (Samuel Wolf) It feels good to put a definite milestone into the enhancement ticket: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8077 Should be able to start on this soon… hopefully tomorrow. Still undecided on which branch I’m going to do development in but I will post information to the dev@ list once I decide. Those that contributed may get status updates. Once again, thanks to everyone for supporting the Horde Project. Not only was this an interesting experience from my standpoint (hopefully others as well), but now we will soon get a feature that is obviously desired by a large portion of the user base. michael [Less]
Posted almost 11 years ago
Michael Slusarz of Horde LLC started a crowdfunding experiment: He offered a 3000 $ project at crowdtilt.com to back up development of the IMP multi-account feature. Multi-Account support allows users to manage multiple mail boxes within one horde ... [More] account. The feature is meant to replace Horde 3′s fetchmail feature which has not been ported for Horde 4 and 5 because technically, it’s not desirable anymore. Michael Slusarz: The old fetchmail functionality is not coming back. It simply doesn’t work coherently/properly in a PHP environment with limited process times (and is non-threaded). The replacement MUST be the ability to access multiple accounts within a single session. But this is not a trivial change After Slusarz started the fundraising campaign, long-time supporters and users of horde contributed funds. Currently, after three days, more that 80% of funding have been raised. About 500 US $ are still missing. The change is not trivial and probably going into IMP 6.2 for Horde 5. As mentioned previously, this is a multi-week project, at least from a project planning perspective. And that doesn’t include the bug-fixing that is likely to be significant, given the fact that this is 1) an invasive UI change and 2) is involving connections to remote servers. That being said – this is something I personally would *really* like to see in IMP also, so I am willing to provide a discount and prioritize this over some other activities I am currently involved in. [..] * This won’t be available for IMP 6.1. This will go into 6.2, at the earliest. The Horde IMP Webmailer is among the most popular webmail applications in the world. It is shipped with most widespread linux distributions like openSUSE and Debian and has been used to drive webmail and groupware applications for large-scale userbases all over the world. Currently, Horde 5 / IMP 6 is integrated into the cpanel administration product. Update: After roughly a week, by 2013-08-14 the crowdfunding tilted: 3090 USD had been contributed. http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20130812/055265.html I proudly get to make the announcement that the IMP Multiple Accounts feature has been fully funded, as we reached the funding goal on Crowdtilt this afternoon: http://tilt.tc/Evs2 I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the contributors: - Simon Wilson - Luis Felipe Marzagao - Ralf Lang - Digicolo.net srl - Elbia Hosting - Thomas Jarosch - Andrew Dorman - Henning Retzgen - Michael Cramer - Harvey Braun - SAPO/Portugal Telecom - Matthias Bitterlich - Allan Girvan - Bill Abrams - Markus Wolff - CAIXALMASSORA (Jose Guzman Feliu Vivas) - Wolf Maschinenbau AG (Samuel Wolf) It feels good to put a definite milestone into the enhancement ticket: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/8077 Should be able to start on this soon… hopefully tomorrow. Still undecided on which branch I’m going to do development in but I will post information to the dev@ list once I decide. Those that contributed may get status updates. Once again, thanks to everyone for supporting the Horde Project. Not only was this an interesting experience from my standpoint (hopefully others as well), but now we will soon get a feature that is obviously desired by a large portion of the user base. michael [Less]