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Posted about 2 years ago by [email protected] (Marc Englund)
We’ve all felt a bit lost at some point in our lives. Sometimes literally, when trying to find that place (“you can’t miss it”), sometimes metaphorically, when looking for the right add-on for an application. In both cases, a reliable, up-to-date map might be indispensable.
Posted about 2 years ago by [email protected] (Mikael Sukoinen)
Vaadin 23 is finally here! It paves the road for our new, simplified release model where we recommend the latest Vaadin version to every user. The release already ships with new features and improvements, yet thanks to the upcoming minor releases (Vaadin 23.1, 23.2 and so forth) there are many more on the roadmap ahead. 
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Matti Tahvonen)
Nowadays, it is rare to implement all software with a single technology. There are different teams and requirements, which is a good reason to allow a certain amount of variance in the software toolkit. The same goes for UI frameworks ... [More] , and that's the way it should be. Hosting static HTML files generated by Jekyll can be one of the best choices for the majority of your public site, but then you need that critical application-like extranet part, where Vaadin is your tool of choice. [Less]
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Mikael Sukoinen)
With Vaadin 8 at end of life, we’re making it easier for V7 and V8 customers to upgrade into the Vaadin Flow with a set of web components that are similar to their previous iterations in terms of implementation.
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Mikael Sukoinen)
We announced that we’re renaming Vaadin Fusion to Hilla last month. Today, we’re happy to publish the Hilla website where you can find everything related to the framework in one place. Go to hilla.dev to get started!
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Leif Åstrand)
Vaadin 23, releasing in March 2022, will require Java 11. To give users additional time to upgrade from Java 8 to a newer version, we're extending the maintenance period of Vaadin 22 until March 2023.
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Rolf Smeds)
Web Components are an excellent basis for building Design Systems, but providing good accessibility can seem like a daunting challenge. In this live stream, we were joined by engineers and product owners from Adobe, IBM, SAP, Vaadin, and ... [More] ING for a panel discussion on the challenges they've faced, the solutions they've found, and the ways in which they approach accessibility matters in general. [Less]
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Lilli Salo)
We did some digging around into our blog posts and tutorials from the past year to brainstorm on fresh new ideas for 2022. In this post, we share some of our community’s 2021 favorites on the Vaadin blog, just in case you missed one or two of these posts and helpful tutorials. Happy coding! 
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Matti Tahvonen)
JWT (JSON Web Token) is a popular way to handle authentication in stateless, browser-centric web UIs. Vaadin Flow runs its UI state and logic in the server memory – by design. Without that, Flow users couldn’t have the pure Java developer experience and simplicity they love. 
Posted over 2 years ago by [email protected] (Leif Åstrand)
We are changing our release model so the version numbers give a better indication of what type of changes the release contains. We are also putting more effort into helping with upgrading, so everybody can stay on the latest version instead of an old one.