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WSO2 Identity Server


Claimed by WSO2, Inc Analyzed 1 day ago

The WSO2 Identity Server is an open source identity & entitlemment management server having support for Information Cards, OpenID & XACML. 1. Entitlement Engine with XACML 2.0 support. 2. Claim based Security Token Service. 3. Information Cards provider supporting Managed Information ... [More] Cards backed by user name / password and self-issued cards. 4. Information cards support for SAML 1.1/2.0. 5. OpenID Provider. 6. Multi-factor authentication with Information Cards 7. Extension points for SAML assertion handling. 8. XMPP based multi-factor authentication. 9. Improved User Management. 10. Claim Management. 11. User Profiles and Profile Management. 12. XKMS. 13. Separable front-end & back-end - a single front-end server can be used to administer several back-end servers. [Less]

842K lines of code

133 current contributors

2 days since last commit

11 users on Open Hub

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